Secretslaveclass..." Life's realities are either not enough or too much for them......."
The Rebel : So we believe in dinosaurs because the evidence is everywhere, yet do you not agree, not so long ago that would have been a wired belief?
The Rebel.
as an ex-witness i have enjoyed becoming open to other people's views and understanding.
therefore this o.p is on the subject of psychic powers.
my own exsperience i can't explain rationally, but as a child many times i had dreams that came true in detail, yet many may explain it away as deja vu.
Secretslaveclass..." Life's realities are either not enough or too much for them......."
The Rebel : So we believe in dinosaurs because the evidence is everywhere, yet do you not agree, not so long ago that would have been a wired belief?
The Rebel.
as an ex-witness i have enjoyed becoming open to other people's views and understanding.
therefore this o.p is on the subject of psychic powers.
my own exsperience i can't explain rationally, but as a child many times i had dreams that came true in detail, yet many may explain it away as deja vu.
Zeb, I love Ronnie Corbett, but he would never have wanted to become " Sir" Ronnie Corbett unless they knighted " Ronnie Barker" also.
Ronnie Corbett: "And now, it's good night from me..."
Ronnie Barker: " and it's good night from him"
........ Reading the News.......
Ronnie Barker: And Solomon F. Potts , Americas most persistent practical joker, was buried today. He's not dead, it's just the neighbors getting their own back.
The Rebel.
as an ex-witness i have enjoyed becoming open to other people's views and understanding.
therefore this o.p is on the subject of psychic powers.
my own exsperience i can't explain rationally, but as a child many times i had dreams that came true in detail, yet many may explain it away as deja vu.
Cofty: "The plural of anecdote is not data"
The Rebel. " Nonetheless I believe anecdotes are valuable to the scientific process, even if they are not conclusions. More importantly I hope we both agree the only way anything can be proven is to THINK, with no holds barred? I guess that includes anecdotes?
The Rebel.
as an ex-witness i have enjoyed becoming open to other people's views and understanding.
therefore this o.p is on the subject of psychic powers.
my own exsperience i can't explain rationally, but as a child many times i had dreams that came true in detail, yet many may explain it away as deja vu.
Thanks for the link Cofty, which having read it seemed to dismiss heart felt intuition against rational thinking. However I am more interested in posters direct personal exsperience of psychic phenomena than links that try to rationalize that experience away.
I would add that direct personal experience should be dealt with respectfully, and good examples and explanations of why this was a psychic clarified.
The Rebel
the wicked rat race of the watchtower claimed another victim.
despite conducting 5 bible studies, and distributing thousands of magazines, i decided the pressure of being super pious was just to heavy for me, and i decided to just cool it.
this is when i discovered the business is full of people who are " not very nice" .
Stuckinarut2 " they feel it is there right to involve themselves in your personal decisions....."
The Rebel. So true, the thinking of the Elders is " How do you add value" to the Watchtower, not how can the watchtower add value to you. So there is no room for " I" in the Watchtower organisation.
The Rebel.
millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens... [...].
what about watchtower society's holy money?.
I am confused " Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power...." What's the story?
Its much more interesting trying to observe " petty corruption" in our own social environment. Only last week I tried to wangle my way around new law relating to tax issues. My argument was the new law was not justified,
The Rebel.
as an ex-witness i have enjoyed becoming open to other people's views and understanding.
therefore this o.p is on the subject of psychic powers.
my own exsperience i can't explain rationally, but as a child many times i had dreams that came true in detail, yet many may explain it away as deja vu.
I would just like to add I believe somethings are not explainable in normal terms, somethings can not be explained, I have been in a house where a poltergeist was supposed to be. Now I am not pretending to account for it exactly but for no apparent reason a window was smashed in the kitchen. I didn't witness the window being broken, but both my wife and I heard voices that were not the radio, nor T.V and we were alone in the house. We rationalized it away, but I was glad to leave the place, and looking back I can't explain it away as an ordinary occurrence.
The Rebel.
the wicked rat race of the watchtower claimed another victim.
despite conducting 5 bible studies, and distributing thousands of magazines, i decided the pressure of being super pious was just to heavy for me, and i decided to just cool it.
this is when i discovered the business is full of people who are " not very nice" .
The wicked rat race of the Watchtower claimed another victim. Despite conducting 5 bible studies, and distributing thousands of magazines, I decided the pressure of being super pious was just to heavy for me, and I decided to just cool it. This is when I discovered the business is full of people who are " not very nice" . I won't mention any names, but let's just say the Watchtower heavies were soon around to see me.
Elder " we have missed you at the meetings, is there something wrong with you?
The Rebel." I recent that question, there's nothing wrong with me, I am not spiritual weak, I just happen to need a rest. Do you mind?
Elder. " While you are resting, Armaggedon is just around the corner...."
The Rebel: " I think you have a BAD pair of binoculars?
Elder " The only binoculars I need are Jehovers magazines , they are perfect in every sentence, and here is the latest copy"
The Rebel. " Thanks, Oh this is an interesting STUDY article " Why Sisters don't wear Sanitex Rubber Body Stockings" and the following article " Do Jehovers Witnesses believe in holding hands before marriage? You win I will be at the meeting for that Watchtower study"
Elder. " Are you sure"
The Rebel. "Definitely"
So yes it's true, under certain circumstances I could set foot in the Kingdom Hall again.
The Rebel.
i spent couple wonderful days in napa valley and sonoma with visits to san francisco.
what hits me was the number of apathy carts in the city.
they were at powell station, embarcadero, fisherman wharf, etc.
I have been on my travels, Latvia, Poland, Bratislavia and seen " Apathy Carts"
In my own country, when I see an apathy cart, I find I can receive J.W literature on what the " Bible teaches" but bibles are not available. Therefore I have concluded:-
A) Maybe the N.W.T is now only available in limited edition?
B) Or maybe the N.W.T doesn't really teach what JW.ORG teaches, and says the bible says?
Anyway trying to establish the identity of those maning the " Apathy Carts" is usually a challenge, but normally I have noted they are the people standing 6 ft away from the " Apathy Cart" drinking Starbucks coffee and talking amongst themselves.
The Rebel.
as an ex-witness i have enjoyed becoming open to other people's views and understanding.
therefore this o.p is on the subject of psychic powers.
my own exsperience i can't explain rationally, but as a child many times i had dreams that came true in detail, yet many may explain it away as deja vu.
As an ex-witness I have enjoyed becoming open to other people's views and understanding. Therefore this O.P is on the subject of psychic powers. My own exsperience I can't explain rationally, but as a child many times I had dreams that came true in detail, yet many may explain it away as Deja vu. So what is the difference between heart-felt intuition and confirmation basis? ( If only I had written the dreams down, before they came true then I would have the confirmation basis)
Anyway I am sure most posters have exsperienced psychic powers of some nature, and I would be interested in those posters providing examples of :-
A) There psychic exsperience
B) How they rationalize them,
C) And any confirmation basis that can be provided that it really was a psychic exsperience.
Admittadley it's not always easy to decide what a psychic exsperience is, for me cases of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, where people hear voices, this is not experiencing psychic phenomena. Also the taking of LSD or other drugs which may produce hallucination I do not consider a physic exsperience. however I have no problem with posters who may have different views when it comes to psychic exsperience.
Thank you for your comments.
The Rebel.